How? Simply click here to return to Digital SLR Questions and Answers. Over the period 1958-2000 Minolta manufactured an extensive range of manual focus SLR cameras, from base model consumer bodies through to fully featured cameras for professional photographers.Interestingly, and unlike many other manufacturers, the company also maintained a constant lens mount over that period. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do.
This should help you determine if you can get by with the old lenses or if you need to upgrade your lens collection to work with modern digital SLRs. The only way to know for sure how well your old lenses will work on a new DSLR is to take them to a local camera shop and - if they will let you - try them out on some floor model DSLR bodies. When the camera doesn't communicate with the lens as well, several things may happen: 1) autofocus may not work and 2) aperture control from the camera may not work. These cameras featured a Copal CLS electronic focal plane shutter developed exclusively for the Leitz-Minolta. Meter readings are taken at wide-open aperture, which means that the viewfinder remains at its maximum brightness regardless of the lens’ aperture setting. The Leica R3 is more or less the same camera. Old lenses don't have the same electronic contacts as the new ones, which means that there is less communication between camera and lens. Minolta was the first camera maker to employ this method of metering, a technology subsequently adopted by virtually every manufacturer in some form or another. Use this for the important photos, such as weddings and christenings etc. So, the basic answer is that yes, you should be able to ATTACH your old Minolta lenses to a new Sony DSLR. And the Minolta Dynax 404si 35mm SLR cameras are available on eBay at a quarter of the price of a pocket point and shoot digital.
Old Minolta lenses are ONLY compatible with Sony digital SLR cameras since Sony bought out the entire Minolta DSLR line back in 2006. This is a good question, and one that has been asked several times - I'm glad that you asked it again so that the answer can now be available to everyone else! Minolta Lenses Only Compatible With Sony DSLRs